Haymaking Oct 3, 2014 97% 11
Windy City Sep 27, 2014 87% 2
Hall of Sports Sep 25, 2014 99% 19
Marking Spot Sep 23, 2014 96% 7
Too Early Sep 19, 2014 96% 15
Elvis is Watching You Sep 18, 2014 95% 4
Busy Road Sep 12, 2014 95% 4
Marking a New House Sep 10, 2014 93% 5
Barking Dogs Sep 5, 2014 84% 5
Under the Road Sep 3, 2014 97% 5
Shopping Sep 1, 2014 75% 2
Old City Walls Aug 28, 2014 98% 10
Botanical Garden Aug 24, 2014 98% 15
No Matter Where Aug 13, 2014 91% 11
Rebecca on Grass Aug 6, 2014 87% 6
Phone Box Aug 5, 2014 85% 11
Candy Must Aug 3, 2014 80% 10
Maggy on Rocks Aug 1, 2014 97% 9
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