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A black haired girl balances on the rocks underneath a bridge in a cute floral print top and denim hotpants. She finds a nice quiet place to pee and takes off her hotpants, spraying her piss all over the rocks below, firing it up into the air!

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Rating: 96 %
Duration: 01' 31''
Tags: #Crouching  #Day  #Everywhere  #On Everything  #Outdoor Pissing  #Skirt

Comments and ratings

  • Great model!

    Jun 03, 2024 @ 16:46:08
  • Shotgun blast- great.

    Aug 02, 2023 @ 15:52:01
  • Sigh...this is getting tiresome and becoming a serious health hazard to me . Your passion for 'acrobatics' is clearly not limited to female pee poses only, but covers linguistics too. I'm not one bit interested continuing these exercises anymore and officially declare 'End of (my) Discussion (with you)'! Don't worry, you still have your rights for free speech - however I have my rights not to listen. It proved to be as useless, as poorly designed polls. Take care.

    Feb 03, 2016 @ 12:10:15
  • Everybody here is free to speak, thus you have no authority to say 'End of discussion' and expect me to sit on my hands. If you don't want to reply, then don't, but don't be asinine about it. I made the mistake of not focusing on your initial displeasure with the second poll choice. This is what I should've been concerned with since it was the original source of the discussion. Your first error was intentionally placing a comma before 'other than'. That pause gives a sense of doubt, and that is not in the original poll. For your example you used: 'Anything, other than watching Tv'. That is way too open ended, so I will use 'any indoor activity other than watching tv'. The poll has some room for variation, but it still compares two similar things. In the poll, it is understood that the choice - if answered in a full sentence - would read like this:
    1)I like to see girls peeing in any pose other than a squatting or crouching pose.
    Your example would read like this:
    2)I like any indoor activity other than watching tv.
    Now let's flip those sentences around using the format you used:
    1a)Other than a squatting or crouching pose, I like to see girls peeing in any pose.
    2a)Other than watching tv, I like any indoor activity.
    Both of those statements are inconclusive. They are using 'other than' in a completely different syntax and therefore offer no value. For those sentences to make sense, the second half would have to be reformatted. Again, I am laying out these sentences in the same sequence that you did.
    1b)Other than a squatting or crouching pose, I don't like to see girls peeing in any other pose.
    2b)Other than watching tv, I don't like any indoor activity.
    This even worse, as now the sentences give the complete opposite result.
    That is the proper use of 'other than', it is never inclusive in nature, only exclusive. 'In addition to' is not a substitute for 'other than'. A proper sentence with in addition to:
    In addition to smoking, he likes to drink heavily.
    A bad sentence structure:
    In addition to watching tv, I like any indoor activity.
    That sentence would be better served as:
    I like all indoor activities.
    Even if you don't know all of these grammatical differences, the structure of the poll implies that the second choice is the opposite of the first, and also not a duplicate of the 3rd poll choice. That would be quite stupid.
    Finally, you made the mistake of saying that the second question (it was an answer, not a question) should be maybe changed to 'OTHER than squatting/crouching, would you ALSO like to see any other pose?' The poll is already in the form of a question, and one question doesn't answer another question. Aside from that, you also left 'other than' in place and then plugged in 'also' in place of 'in addition to', modifying the original 2nd poll choice well past what was in the text.

    Feb 03, 2016 @ 8:13:13
  • OMG, really?! Are you still talking to ME, after I hinted I no longer interested to continue THIS particular 'discussion'? What else do you want to hear from ME exactly? Well, let's try one more time... You see, honestly I just don't care much about all that 'variety', as 99% of it is total fake and BS. I do like (very much) all things natural - ideally that would be some pee voyeur site showing girls/women in a real desperation state. In the (already distant) past there was that (Russian?) site, at one time showing series of pee voyeur videos from the outdoor beer festivals...Oh, that was a real deal! Call me 'purist', if you want. Considering, that it is now all but impossible to find such a reliable 'raw' source, the next best thing for ME is this site, which is doing a really fine job to present similar material, in as close to real world manner, as possible. All this variety with heavily staged 'gymnastics' like a leg straight up vertically, leg on a step, on a rail, bench etc - is not for me. It is what it is...As for that tired 2nd answer - I realized fairly RECENTLY, that some people POSSIBLY could interpret it not as intended. A simple wording fix would've prevent that - just make it like 'any pose, EXCEPT FOR squatting' or 'any pose, BUT NOT squatting'. And I gave you an example of such wrong interpretation - like in 'OTHER THAN watching TV, I (ALSO) like drinking'. Finally. at the end of the day this site is a business, and as such it would try to satisfy tastes of MAJORITY first, based on individual clips ratings and users feedback. For those, who are not completely satisfied, they offer their sister sites as well, with enough of 'acrobatics', various tools and naked brash girls for any taste...just not mine.

    Feb 02, 2016 @ 19:08:37
  • A long time ago...when g2p first launched, there was much more variety than there is now. Those varied poses can be the hardest ones to do as more planning and precaution has to be taken into consideration for them to work. For squatting/crouching at a 95% threshold, it becomes extremely monotonous and it smothers - in some sort of way - the ability for the girls to be brash about their actions. Imagine the excitement, to know that girl after girl, video after video, each one will feature squatting followed guessed it, squatting. The last option on the poll was more of a reference to how things were in the past. 95% of one pose really offers no tangible sort of variety. If you are so 'correct' in your assumption, why is there still a nearly 50% split in the first two choices? Where is this 5:1 ratio for squatting/crouching over everything else that you guaranteed? You can take one comment and skew it to something that appeals to you, but it does nothing to address the fact that people want to see more than a drop and squat.

    Feb 02, 2016 @ 14:28:58
  • Oh really, they do? I'm so glad you could come to that conclusion all by yourself. End of discussion? Maybe, if say the ratio was 10:1, even 5:1 overall voters went with the first option. For some reason that hasn't happened. Not a very convincing argument and you are ready to wrap things up.

    Feb 01, 2016 @ 22:55:37
  • Good. I am quite happy with your conclusion: '...95% or more updates currently consist of squatting/crouching only, so yes, crouching is therefore the target. It is the site defining 'standard'. The poll, you see, is intended to find out if this current trend is what people want to see. ' - According to this, the 3rd answer ('leave it as is...') has already covered that in full, there was no need for the first two at all. The whole entire poll now = 3rd answer, i.e. 'The poll, you see, is intended to find out if this current trend is what people want to see. ' Yes, they do. End of discussion. Bye.

    Feb 01, 2016 @ 14:53:33
  • ...And here we are back at the same useless point. I've answered that for you already and so now you come back full circle to the originating argument about listing 4 or 5 different poses. 95% or more updates currently consist of squatting/crouching only, so yes, crouching is therefore the target. It is the site defining 'standard'. The poll, you see, is intended to find out if this current trend is what people want to see. So first you didn't like the poll because only VERY few members were going to choose the second option, but now that these numbers have risen, suddenly you realize that that's not the problem with the poll anymore. So which is it? I really wish you would make up your mind. Let me reiterate this point in case you missed it: The poll, you see, is intended to find out if this current trend (95% frequency) is what people want to see.

    Feb 01, 2016 @ 12:42:55
  • You said: 'No, I don't believe that 27 people absolutely DO NOT want to see squatting poses. Liking one thing doesn't mean you hate your other alternative(s). It's more like one choice excites you over all others...' Squatting IS indeed ONE THING (1st answer clearly reflects that), while 'ANY OTHER THAN squatting...' is not, it is MANY things lumped together. And you can't tell WHICH one exactly excites you more. Because of that 2nd and 3rd answers are of the same value:
    2nd - I like to see any other pose and don't mind to see squatting too
    3rd - I like to see any possible pose (which is what we've had already).
    Bottom line, and I repeat it - unless you specify those 4 - 5 valid poses with points range for EACH, the poll as designed is useless.

    Feb 01, 2016 @ 11:44:36
  • No to your question. The answer lies in the second sentence of my previous comment. No, I don't believe that 27 people absolutely DO NOT want to see squatting poses. Liking one thing doesn't mean you hate your other alternative(s). It's more like one choice excites you over all others. FYI, I wasn't referring to you and I having different tastes when it comes to poses (we already knew that), I was referring to the overall pool of voters. So you believe that 27 people made a mistake choosing the second option because they thought they were voting that they liked 'squatting and any other pose'? I don't even see that as a remote possibility. Sorry.

    Feb 01, 2016 @ 5:39:49
  • OK, I got it - we have different tastes of what we want to see...Well, let me ask you the ONE LAST question - do you agree, that the given answer to the second question is different from the answers to the 1st and 3rd questions in terms of allowing for different interpretation, as I tried to show you with examples below? Yes or no? Everything else is blah-blah-blah...You still believe there are 27 people, that absolutely DO NOT want to see the most common pose - squatting, while I do not believe that. A poll results are as correct as it is designed. 1st and 3rd answers are clear, 2nd is not. Bye.

    Feb 01, 2016 @ 2:43:48
  • Look at the poll again. There are three answers, the first two are meant to be polar opposites with the last response picking both options. That is common sense, and yet you are grasping at straws here, changing the structure of the response to make it sound like something it clearly isn't. You had previously commented that very few members would choose the middle option. Your own words: "I can almost guarantee, that VERY few members will choose the middle question 'everything EXCEPT squatting/crouching', and the majority will probably choose the third 'leave it as is' option." You knew very well what the second choice meant, (even emphasizing the word EXCEPT) and you struck down the poll saying that it would be inconclusive. Now that we are seeing some actual votes for the middle option, you are concerned because it doesn't fall in line with your particular tastes. Different strokes for different folks.

    Feb 01, 2016 @ 1:32:54
  • @Tufxu8rHv...or take a look at these examples:
    Question: what type of activity do you like?
    1) watching tv;
    2) anything, OTHER THAN watching tv;
    3a) anything, EXCEPT FOR watching tv;
    3b) anything, BUT (NOT) watching tv;
    Only answers (3a, 3b) are clear without any doubt; in answer (3a) even changing the words order: 'EXCEPT FOR watching tv, anything' will NOT change the meaning.
    But if you change the order in answer (2) : 'OTHER THAN watching tv, anything', the meaning becomes not so clear, allowing for different interpretations, like in this case. It is not acceptable in a poll, where all answers MUST be straightforward. Answers (3a, 3b) do not allow different interpretations. So why not use either of them? It is well known (esp in politics these days), that the way answers are formulated greatly affects the outcome of any poll.

    Jan 31, 2016 @ 12:51:47
  • Did you read the rephrased equivalent of that same question at the end of my comment?

    Jan 31, 2016 @ 3:00:55
  • You completely disregarded the full text: 'other than'. Than is used for making comparisons. I don't see how you can derive 'in addition to' without even considering there is that key word right where it is needed.

    Jan 30, 2016 @ 21:29:41
  • !!!!!!!!!!!! @ G2P !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just realized that the SECOND poll question 'any pose OTHER than crouching/squatting' is somewhat misleading.
    I think many members INTERPRET it like : 'any pose IN ADDITION TO crouching/squatting'. But if I correctly assume your intentions, it should rather be formulated as: 'any pose, BUT NOT crouching/squatting'. I seriously doubt that such considerable number of members would've chosen this option if formulated this way.
    Just consider this modification of the CURRENT second question: 'OTHER than squatting/crouching, would you ALSO like to see any other pose?'. Am I right?

    Jan 27, 2016 @ 0:53:25
  • Well thanks got2pee for sort of listening about the girls showing more emotion and relief but that piss was like less than 10 seconds. Shitty performance but at least she sounded like she enjoyed it, something heavily absent from practically every other video on here.

    Jan 26, 2016 @ 14:13:42
  • Agree with cM9HEKs0p on every account - better preparation was needed. The girl is very beautiful though, hope to see her next time with full bladder. Actually, I think this single most important requirement applies to all girls.10/10 for looks, 7/10 for performance.

    Jan 26, 2016 @ 2:08:27
  • Fairly strong pee, but, sadly, too brief. If only she would prepare better by filling her bladder more, she would get near the "Lexi level."

    Jan 26, 2016 @ 0:53:55
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