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A cute brunette walks around a corner and just cant hold it any longer. She lifts her skirt and pisses right in front of a busy road leaving a little wet puddle behind. The look of relief on her face is priceless!

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Rating: 98 %
Duration: 01' 29''
Tags: #Crouching  #Day  #On Concrete  #Outdoor Pissing  #Peeing Woman  #Skirt  #Suburb

Comments and ratings

  • Hot!

    Jun 05, 2024 @ 8:43:11
  • 50.008103, 14.553789

    Jun 29, 2020 @ 23:52:28
  • We all like this massy pee pussy. But please open much more. Thanks to you!

    Apr 22, 2017 @ 18:34:28
  • To me, the very best 'bit of enjoyment from the girls' is the one, that replaces signs of severe desperation on their faces and body language. It appears after that, much needed emptying of a FULL BLADDER (WHICH IS A MUST!). This is the single 'not negotiable' priority for me, everything else is optional, including smiles and even those fancy poses.

    Feb 21, 2016 @ 20:30:52
  • Enough with the 'Dear Leader' hyperbole. You called somebody else 'the mighty one' just a few days ago. Looks like you are the one with a superiority complex. All I am asking for is a bit of enjoyment from the girls, not for them to stick something between their legs.

    Feb 21, 2016 @ 15:02:52
  • This is not engaging YOU, 'Dear Leader' (meh yourself), it's addressed mostly to all the other 'guys and gals', targeted by your desperate calls for 'lack of variety' revolution. FYI again, that super Variety is already a Reality for your prying eyes in ALL of those 13 sister sites (hint!).
    As for 'instructing the girls'...laughable! Who do you think instructs them to squat in 90+% of outdoor cases in a real life?

    Feb 21, 2016 @ 12:57:47
  • So much for not engaging in any further discussions with me...Instructing a girl to squat time and time again is following a script. As for the rest of your argument, meh, I'm not resurrecting any sort of yada yada with you.

    Feb 21, 2016 @ 4:37:02
  • Oh, it's you again...I can almost feel the beginning of 'Reality-To-Variety' revolution, brewing under your leadership, no less, LOL. So, you've heard me first 16 times? I've heard you first 17 times probably and counting...I'd rather watch an HONEST, TRUE documentary, with girls just being themselves, than a scripted movie with bad 'acting', any day. P.S. If you are so into such movies, why don't you check out the link to 'Special Offers' above? There are 13 (thirteen!!!) sister sites, offering all the 'fun' one can only imagine. Why do you want to turn THIS UNIQUE site into another one of the same? Really why?

    Feb 21, 2016 @ 4:00:15
  • Wow. Another 'not well formulated IMO' comment about the poll. We heard you the first 16 times. OcM17C4Lg, G2P used to produce a variety for every taste, but the reality brigade has burned those bridges down. Some of us don't want to see a documentary about females pissing. I want to see the girls having fun, smiling, relishing the thought of our prying eyes. The camera is just a few feet from the girls, so why should they pretend like we are not watching? Anybody else feel the same way about this? Now is the time to speak up guys and gals, if you want to see what I would like to see, I could really use your help.

    Feb 21, 2016 @ 2:54:07
  • OcM17C4Lg I think any feedback is important for a business. That's why you constantly see that online, where they try, in ANY way possible, to find out your opinion on their product, so they know better what you like and what you don't. Every small detail matters. Even the current poll (not very well formulated IMO) gave some useful info for producer to adjust accordingly. I can see, where G2P producer listened and made adjustments. The current poll is no longer needed, as its results are clear already. If anything, another poll is really necessary IMO - i.e. asking how important for members is the state of desperation at the time of filming. I strongly believe, that some of the models were far from wanting to pee bad enough. The comments reflect that too, as people can see through that. BTW, there is a series of voyeur videos on the web from some beer festival in Holland(?), where you can see tons of REALLY desperate girls. I think it is reasonable to expect that in EVERY video here too. Cheers.

    Feb 20, 2016 @ 13:03:55
  • @XTGBPGtpW. I don't think we need a new poll. G2P makes everything right. They produce a wide variety for every taste. I think it would be very boring after a while if we would always see the same type of girl in same clothes and situations.

    Feb 20, 2016 @ 6:12:24
  • @Thong7717 It is fascinating, how many different opinions there are about such a simple natural act as a girl taking a pee! Some like wearing panties (I do), some don't (you), some like to see the view from behind (you), some will be totally, absolutely against it (I will). It's time for a new poll on all these subtle variations in preferences, isn't it?! LMAO

    Feb 17, 2016 @ 22:53:40
  • @autumnpeach .So, you can watch all those people, who shamelessly walk outside (how dare they do it!), but they cannot see your innocent morning routine?! LOL. But seriously, I thought it's the other way around, where the whole point is a possibility for YOU to be caught by THEM, while you are busy doing IT. Sorry, my bad - 'to each their own' indeed, as long as it makes you happy! Cheers.

    Feb 17, 2016 @ 22:43:06
  • It must be so exciting for girls to go about like that without panties and just squat down and piss and not even wipe the piss off there ass cheeks , does it cause chaffing between the legs what you think autumhpeach , I just love this video well done g2 pee, what about some rear view videos of the girls as they squat down to piss.

    Feb 17, 2016 @ 19:50:38
  • Meh, I liked both of those for different reasons. But, the sound isn't important to me as I generally watch these videos from my phone in the early morning while my hubby is still sleeping, so the noise doesn't bother me. I like the whole peeing in a place where you can be seen, but no one knows what's happening. That's why l like seeing the highway in the background. We often have sex in our living room where we can see out the window, but people can't really see us.

    Feb 17, 2016 @ 17:07:15
  • I get what you are saying and agree with 'to each their own'. But everything must make sense. THAT busy road didn't affect her chances of being caught one bit. It is a some kind of a highway she could barely seen from, filled with fast moving cars and trucks. The only 'contribution' of being next to this road is a loud booming noise, which adds nothing to what you mean, but completely kills 'her action' sound (which IS important for many...). Please LOOK AT 'TAGGING' VIDEO from a couple of days ago - the girl there had 100 times more chances of being caught by PEOPLE WALKING nearby. Those people were also much quieter, than a moving truck. Peace.

    Feb 17, 2016 @ 12:28:46
  • Oh, see now I loved this video BECAUSE it was right by a busy road! I much prefer the more daring public videos. That makes it much more exciting for me. To each their own, I guess, but the excitement of peeing outside is that chance of getting caught which makes videos like this even hotter. Great job, G2P!!

    Feb 17, 2016 @ 8:57:57
  • Pretty, familiar girl, great pee too, but what made you decide to chose of all places the busy noisy road...AGAIN??!! BTW, looks like you did pee into the programmer's coffee...and he noticed that! THERE ARE NO SCREEN CAPS at all this time.

    Feb 17, 2016 @ 0:58:46
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