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About video:
A slender European walks into the middle of an abandoned road and pulls down her trousers so that she can squat over the concrete and spray her golden piss onto the ground

See more of this girl
Rating: 99 %
Duration: 01' 56''
Tags: #Crouching  #Day  #On Concrete  #Outdoor Pissing  #Suburb  #Trousers

Comments and ratings

  • The best of Aika Mai!

    Jun 03, 2024 @ 16:57:47
  • good piss

    Nov 08, 2021 @ 13:52:58
  • very nice, just need to see more tits at the same time

    Dec 30, 2020 @ 4:26:08
  • 50.007845, 14.555959

    Jun 29, 2020 @ 23:38:17
  • I want this woman to lick my erect penis to drink semen

    My dick is in the middle of an erection
    Mar 19, 2019 @ 16:22:41
  • I'd like to see Aika again, she's cute!

    May 21, 2018 @ 14:02:06
  • @tempest69 Wow, THE 'tempest' has arrived - run to the shelter everybody! BTW, what does '69' stand for? Just asking... Few questions for you, 'The Mighty One': Do you consider yourself some kind of the orders issuing authority? Did anybody force you to read or write the comments? Did anybody blocked you from enjoying the videos? The answer is 'NO', so what's your problem with others, exercising their constitutional rights by commenting here as they see fit?

    Feb 15, 2016 @ 17:52:15
  • For petes sake you guys. Pick your toys up and put them back in your pram and stop trying to be 'art critics'! Just enjoy the videos.

    Feb 15, 2016 @ 16:26:02
  • @OcM17C4Lg First of all I do understand and respect your opinion. But in a real life situation, most girls (unlike boys!) will still try to hold until they find a bathroom, unless really desperate enough. This is what I KNOW firsthand from my past experience. It is us 'boys', who can 'approach' any tree or poll nearby...just like the male dogs we really are, LOL

    Feb 13, 2016 @ 15:53:56
  • @Tufxu8rHv Here we go again, but this time I see, even further...Quote: 'You say you are asking for a 'fair and honest performance' as if the girls and G2P crew are holding back, therefore taking advantage of you...' - well, I see here nothing, but a poorly disguised attempt to pit me against the girls and G2P crew. And this my friend is where you finally has crossed the line. I have nothing, but respect for the girls and the crew, and everything I'm trying to do is directed to making this UNIQUE site even better and attract more customers, who are looking for this SPECIFIC NICHE but can't find anything among the huge piles of overproduced porn BS, choking the web. It shows, that you either totally misunderstand my goals or twist my words on purpose...Or we just cannot agree on anything, which unfortunately also happens sometimes. In any of these cases, I find it pointless to continue current or to engage in ANY future discussions with you, effective immediately. Regards.

    Feb 13, 2016 @ 15:42:11
  • I said nothing about overworking the girls and I wasn't referring to you when I spoke of 'dignity' and 'unfavorable conditions', but of their overall 'job' as I'm sure that G2P is not their only source of income. What I was trying to get across is that you can't just give these girls a do or die set of expectations. I don't think that it rubs off well for future candidates for G2P or for revisits from those that have already been featured. You say you are asking for a 'fair and honest performance' as if the girls and G2P crew are holding back, therefore taking advantage of you. I want to see geysers as much as everybody else, but I'm not gonna make exuberant demands for something that has most likely been one of the highest priorities for G2P from the beginning. Got2Pee = (IMO) a desire or wanting to pee in outdoor locations with the sole purpose of not using the facilities. Just because I like to see some pizzazz from the girls, that doesn't mean that I like pumps, so please do not attempt to assess what I do or don't like based on one particular point of interest.

    Feb 13, 2016 @ 8:22:56
  • Sometimes they pee longer/stronger and sometimes not. For me it's ok. That's the real life and no faked situations. This is exactly that what I want to see here.
    But I can understand any other opinion.

    Feb 13, 2016 @ 5:34:28
  • @Tufxu8rHv I figure you meant me, when talking about 'dignity' and 'unfavorable conditions', as it was me who said it is their JOB...So, do you imply I'm denying them their dignity as human beings, by asking for the fair and honest performance in every one of those once-a-day video, 5 times a week? (Note, it is a different girl in each video, so we are not talking about possible overworking IF it were the SAME girl every day). Couldn't you see that in 'Messy Spray' she couldn't wait for another second (a.k.a THE 'honest performance'), while in some other videos models could've probably waited for another hour or so safely? We do have vastly different tastes (this is not news). I, for one don't give a sh#t about 'smiling daredevil girls...' - you can have just that on the picture below from ANOTHER site, completed with some state-of-the-art 'tool' for additional brashness. And yes, I'm all for the 'geysers' from the girls who just REALLY GotToPee.

    Feb 13, 2016 @ 0:13:18
  • It is a job, but there are many times when this 'job' can have unfavorable working conditions. The girls are human beings and they deserve a certain amount of dignity. Would I enjoy every video more if there was a geyser from every girl? Most likely...but there is more to it than that. Enjoyable scenes come not only from that, but from smiling daredevil girls. Unfortunately, I have seen little of that lately. Smiling girls like Cherrie Tess and daredevil girls like Lexi. The best video that represents this is "peeing for fun" with Liz (aka Alexis Crystal). Mr. G2P producer, you have always had my highest respects, and I cordially suggest that you take that genuine passion from these girls and let it speak for itself. Morgan, Sweet Cat, Barbe, Baby Dream, etc are masters of the game, so don't let their talents go to waste.

    Feb 12, 2016 @ 3:54:54
  • I don't see anything wrong with this video . Good girl well done

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 18:23:35
  • @mpguardsx People also need to understand, that for these girls it is a JOB, for which you and I both happen to pay, therefore expecting to get certain value in return. People are also different in their views on how that 'value' measures up on their respected scales. If it were a free site, your point would've been 100% valid. However, it is not and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out, how to improve on that 'value'. I've actually offered some fairly simple and inexpensive suggestions to do just that, will see if they are accepted or not. I also realize, that every person is different in his/her reaction to the same things, including urge to pee. But the closer they are to REAL 'Got2Pee' point, the less this difference in their behaviors becomes as it gets less controlled. You can clearly notice that by changing in body language and facial expressions, that cannot be faked or scripted.

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 17:21:10
  • people need to understand that peeing is a natural function and not every girl's show will be the same. As long as the filming is good, take it as it is, and enjoy it. Good video.

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 16:13:01
  • Although this might have been a relatively better performance of THIS particular girl, overall it is still not strong enough compare to the best ones here. There was a series of voyeur videos candidly filmed at some European outdoor rock festival recently, where they obviously drink a lot of beer and such. Let me tell you, they all do "HAVE to pee' at one point there and, oh boy, they pee like horses, barely hiding! I would LOVE to see every video here to be like ANY of those! Do they have any special secret there?! No, just drink a lot and wait long enough in search of a place to squat! Very simple scenario - drink a lot and hold until really GOT TO PEE. The 'Messy Spray' and many other phenomenal performances HERE were definitely not some kind of divine magic too - those girls obviously drank a lot and held a lot. Why can't ALL the rest do the same too EVERY time?! This girl 9/10, pee 7/10, outfit 7/10.

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 12:40:42

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 9:36:28
  • Hey guys, apologies for bad upload. We are now working on fix. Will be available within an hour or so.
    Thanks for patience!

    Got2Pee Staff
    Feb 11, 2016 @ 3:25:26
  • One more potential problem - when pointing mouse on the FUTURE videos, usually it gives you a series of few fast changing stills, but now it is just between one same still and G2P logo.

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 2:33:39
  • Same here...both streaming and downloaded versions freeze at the same point. And stills too are not good.

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 2:26:10
  • This video is malfunction!

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 1:20:43

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 0:47:08
  • Something seriously wrong with this posting -- both the video which stops suddenly and the associated stills!!

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 0:25:41
  • Please fix this video, It freezes and stops on the main page, same with the download, tried twice with different players.

    Feb 11, 2016 @ 0:24:09
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